One of my first employees was a young 16 year old girl named Maddy. My single word to describe Maddy is “Colorful”. I do not mean colorful in her language or attitude, I mean literally Lots Of Color! Maddy joined us as a PT employee with a passion for Art. Her work was always obvious, “That’s must be Maddys’ piece”.
Maddy not only painted on pottery at our studio, but used her creativity on canvas, Henna Tattoo’s, Jewelry and many other mediums. Her canvases were always bursting with design and color. Maddy moved through high school and soon college was the next step, as is with so many of our PT staff members. We wish them well and have to let them go as part of our team. Off they go to new challenges and choices.
In this case Maddy chose business as her path and graduated with a business degree. We followed her along her journey, keeping in touch and watching her “side business” of painting items for others continue to grow. Her enthusiasm for painting never dimmed but her doubts to follow her passion began to creep in. As is with so many of our dreams we, as adults, begun to worry that we can’t make a living at what we love to do. We really “Should” (I hate that word) follow a more solid or traditional path when it comes to our job/career choice. So with that in mind Maddy, after receiving her diploma, joined a business as an employee and enjoyed what she was doing….but it wasn’t her calling.
I met with Maddy as she began to explore the possibility of making a living doing what she loved. PT painting classes had created a following for her teaching and lead her to something she developed herself to spread her love of Art to everyone. As most other canvas options were offering the typical landscapes, flowers and butterflies, Maddy chose her own direction. She has a great way to place your dog onto a canvas and then YOU paint your dog, or cat, or horse ;). She started booking classes at many local pubs and breweries and was soon busy enough to quit her FT job. My only advice to her was to not get so hung up on the
income generated from her business, that she lost the passion for what she was doing. Love what your doing, put your heart, soul and a ton of hard work into it and the money will come! And it has. Maddy has now branded her business and has take home kits you can purchase online to paint your pet. And they are brilliant.
We joined her at her branding celebration “Gray Duck Art” and were thrilled to be just a little part of her journey.
As the saying goes “Do what you love, love what you do!”